Denshi Jisho Forum

January 23, 2008

Denshi Jisho now has a forum. Join in!

Denshi Jisho for the iPhone

January 6, 2008

I just enabled a version of Denshi Jisho optimized for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You can access it by going to with your iPhone or iPod Touch. If you want to access it from any other device you should use But bear in mind that it looks best in browsers based on WebKit.

It’s still a little rough around the edges, but it has most of the features of the normal site. Although the kanji by radicals search is a little slow and hard to navigate on such a small display. I’ll keep working on making it easier to use, but wanted to release it since it works better than the normal site on the iPhone.


Pagination and visual improvements

December 11, 2007

I just put up a new Denshi Jisho version. The major thing about this is that Denshi Jisho now has pagination of search results. The reason this has taken over two years to appear is that i wasn’t happy with current pagination standards. The problem is that normal pagination can give you, for example, two pages, with 25 items on the first page and 1 item on the last page. This to me is really sub-optimal. It would be better to just have one page with 26 items.

So I have written a pagination scheme that complies with this idea. I have released it as a general Perl module on CPAN as Data::Page::Balanced. This also marks the first code from Denshi Jisho that I release publicly. Hopefully more will follow.

This version also fixes a few visual glitches in Internet Explorer and Opera.

Denshi Jisho for keitai

September 23, 2007

Denshi Jisho is now available for Japanese mobile phones. It works the same way as the main site, with only the kanji by radical search missing, and I hope to add that at a later date.

Just go to with your Japanese mobile phone and it should automatically take you to the keitai version.

You can also use to access it from any device.

Thanks to the members of the Tokyo Linux Users Group mailing list for testing and comments!


Faster radical search in Safari 2

September 13, 2007

I have updated the radical search to fix speed problems in Safari 2.

Explorer 7

August 27, 2007

The “External links” menus didn’t work in Internet Explorer 7. But they should now.


August 7, 2007

I have done some back-end work the last few days, which have caused some display problems in Internet Explorer. They should hopefully all be solved now (make sure you reload the page), but if you still have problems just mail me or post a comment here.

Specifically I have worked to get Denshi Jisho faster, with page compression and caching.

There are still a few problems left in Internet Explorer 7 since earlier though. I hope to work on this next.

Unexpected downtime

August 2, 2007

The server wasn’t down, but the default gateway had decided to not do its job, so the network went down. It’s all back up and running now, and the DNS has been updated. So you should all be getting the normal Denshi Jisho soon.

Serving Denshi Jisho seem to mean bad luck for web servers.

The server has been down for a few hours. I hope that someone can get to it and restart it ASAP.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Short downtime

July 22, 2007

The installation went as planned and the server is back up and running. I have pointed the DNS back to the main server so you should all start being redirected to it soon.

The main Denshi Jisho server will be getting a second hard drive between 00 and 03 Central European Time tomorrow, Monday. It will be offline during the operation, but fortunately my friend Axel has kindly lent me some server space again to host a temporary solution. It will however be an older version of Denshi Jisho.

This is scheduled downtime, so everything should be back up and running agian in the morning. Sorry for the interruption.

New server

July 15, 2007

The move to a new server has finally happened. I switched over before the weekend and everything seems to be working as it should.

First of all this means that the deinflection feature is back online. So searches for inflected verbs and adjectives will give the option to search for the word in plain form. Like this:

I have also fixed a few display bugs. Mainly with the kanji details, which now have a slightly different layout that should work better with wide displays.

Windows users should also see a few minor display improvements.

The sentence search is also back up and running.
